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Simulates Likert scale item responses based on a specified number of response categories and the centered parameters of the latent variable.


simulate_likert(n_levels, cp)



number of response categories for the Likert scale item.


centered parameters of the latent variable. Named vector including mean (mu), standard deviation (sd), and skewness (skew). Skewness must be between -0.95 and 0.95.


A named vector of probabilities for each response category.


The simulation process uses the following model detailed by Boari and Nai-Ruscone. Let \(X\) be the continuous variable of interest, measured using Likert scale questions with \(K\) response categories. The observed discrete variable \(Y\) is defined as follows: $$ Y = k, \quad \text{ if } \ \ x_{k - 1} < X \leq x_{k} \quad \text{ for } \ \ k = 1, \dots, K $$ where \(x_{k}\), \(k = 0, \dots, K\) are endpoints defined in the domain of \(X\) such that: $$ -\infty = x_{0} < x_{1} < \dots < x_{K - 1} < x_{K} = \infty. $$ The endpoints dictate the transformation of the density \(f_{X}\) of \(X\) into a discrete probability distribution: $$ \text{Pr}(Y = k) = \int_{x_{k - 1}}^{x_{k}} f_{X}(x) \, dx \quad \text{ for } \ \ k = 1, \dots, K. $$

The continuous latent variable is modeled using a skew normal distribution. The function simulate_likert performs the following steps:

  • Ensures the centered parameters are within the acceptable range.

  • Converts the centered parameters to direct parameters.

  • Defines the density function for the skew normal distribution.

  • Computes the probabilities for each response category using optimal endpoints.


Boari, G. and Nai Ruscone, M. (2015). A procedure simulating Likert scale item responses. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis 8(3), 288–297. doi:10.1285/i20705948v8n3p288

See also

discretize_density for details on how to calculate the optimal endpoints.


cp <- c(mu = 0, sd = 1, skew = 0.5)
simulate_likert(n_levels = 5, cp = cp)
#>          1          2          3          4          5 
#> 0.15995244 0.29511214 0.28435807 0.18964493 0.07093241 
cp2 <- c(mu = 1, sd = 2, skew = -0.3)
simulate_likert(n_levels = 7, cp = cp2)
#>          1          2          3          4          5          6          7 
#> 0.08311645 0.07169556 0.07928979 0.08940184 0.10477572 0.13413804 0.43758260